Mini ~ Pure & Simple Soap ~ Unscented

  • $2.99

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Francine Robineau

J' aime le savon et déo mais là crème corps et visage sa sent la graisse

Bonjour Francine

Excusez mon terrible français, j’ai utilisé google translate. Je suis tellement content que vous aimiez le savon et le déodorant. Notre lotion pour le visage et le corps contient du beurre de karité, ce qui est probablement l’odeur que vous remarquez

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Se porter bien
Megan & The Soap Pro Team

Janet Holmes
My husband's favourite soap

We first tried samples at Liscombe Lodge pre- COVID and loved it. I ordered an array of different bars and loved them, but my husband loved the Shampoo, Shave &Soap bar especially and has put in a request for more!!

Good morning Janet,

Isn't Liscombe Lodge a magical place? Especially in the 'before time'?!

Thank you to you (and your husband) for your review of our Soaps and Shampoo, Shave & Soap bars <3

Please check your email for a coupon code from us to thank you for your review!

Be Well,
Anna & the Soap Pro Team

jean nickerson

I haven't used it yet

Hi Jean,

We look forward to hearing your feedback when you do <3

Please check your email for a coupon from us to thank you!

Be well, Anna the Soap Pro team <3